Just some stuff about me.
Here's my dotfiles repository.
What links here:
Angr is in Python 3, create a virtualenv and `pip install` it. Best is to combine with static analysis, i.e. find things in Ghidra.
Create a project:
proj = angr.Project("./Stone")
Get the base address of the binary:
base = proj.loader.main_object.mapped_base
Create states from which to start symbex
# Use the entry state
# starts from main entry point unless addr is specified
s = proj.factory.entry_state()
# Use a blank state
# have to set regs etc. yourself
s = proj.factory.blank_state(addr=addr)
Create buffers with constraints:
buf_size = 80 # bytes
buf = claripy.BVS("buf", buf_size*8) # symbolic, not actual value
# Add constraints for buffer values to be ascii
for byte in buf.chop(8):
state.add_constraints(byte >= 0)
state.add_constraints(byte <= 127)
buf_addr = 0xB00B5 # some unused address
Set up args for a function:
# Prepare for a function call computing one buffer from another
# e.g. calculate_buffer(char *dst, char *src)
state.memory.store(dst_buf_addr, dst_buf_bvs)
state.memory.store(src_buf_addr, src_buf_bvs)
# assuming arguments are passed in rdi,rsi,rdx...
state.regs.rdi = dst_buf_addr
state.regs.rsi = src_buf_addr
Run a simulation:
sim = proj.factory.simgr(state, veritesting=True) # veritesting speeds it up
sim.explore(find=GOOD_ADDR, avoid=BAD_ADDR)
# find and avoid can also be functions evaluating to a bool, or arrays
# to continue after a found state:
sim.unstash(from_stash="found", to_stash="active")
# and run explore again
Find solutions:
# This loop will raise angr.errors.SimUnsatError when no more solutions
while True:
buf_in_memory = sim.found[0].memory.load(buf_addr, buf_size)
# Get a solution, this will be an integer
# You can add cast_to=bytes to get a bstring
one_solution = sim.found[0].solver.eval(buf_in_memory)
# Print it
# Add a constraint to avoid recomputing that solution
sim.found[0].solver.add(buf_in_memory != one_solution)
Useful websites: