Nature follows certain rules (Tao), and all phenomena including human behavior follow those rules. Something cannot exist without its contrary, light has no existence without darkness, there is a constant struggle for balance and harmony. The world is dynamic and always-changing, in phases (Xing).
Qi: fundamental substance behind everything, material or immaterial. Everything in the human body is made up by Qi.
Yin and Yang: law of unity of opposites is inherent of everything in the natural world. The world itself is the result of Yin and Yang together.

Five phases
Organs are mapped based on the substance they’re closest to. Spleen distributes nutrients from food to organs, like earth nourishes plants. Lungs make air ‘heavy’ as it enters the body, so they’re metal. Kidneys regulate water. Flavors also by by element: fire/heart is bitter, wood/liver is sour, earth/spleen is sweet, metal/lungs is spicy, water/kidney is salty. So if we crave a certain flavor, it could show deficiency.
Fundamental substances:
Three types: Zang (Yin), Fu (Yang), Qí Héng Zhī Fu (“Extraordinary Organs”)
Organs are paired, and each is assigned a phase.
Zang organs manufacture and store Qi, Blood, Essence. Fu organs transmit and digest food, water, waste.
Zang-Fu organs:
- Spleen (Zang) and Stomach (Fu): Earth
- Lungs (Zang) and Large Intestine (Fu): Metal
- Kidneys (Zang) and Bladder (Fu): Water
- Liver (Zang) and Gallbladder (Fu): Wood
- Heart (Zang) and Small Intestine (Fu) and Triple Burner: Fire
6 Extraordinary Organs: Brain, Bones, Uterus, Marrow, Vessels, Gallbladder.
- Liver (sour taste, Zang):
- Stores blood
- Ensures smooth flow of Qi
- Controls: sinews, tears
- Manifests: nails
- Opens into eyes
- Houses Ethereal Soul
- Affected by Anger
- Heart (bitter taste, Zang):
- Governs blood
- Houses Mind (Shen)
- Manifests: face
- Opens into tongue
- Controls: blood vessels, sweat
- Spleen (sweet taste, Zang):
- Rules transformation and transportation of food Essences an dQi, body fluids
- Controls: raising of Qi, blood, saliva, muscles/flesh/limbs
- Opens into mouth
- Manifests: lips
- Houses intellect/thought
- Affected by worry
- Lungs (pungent tate, Zang)
- Rules Qi and respiration
- Controls: channels and blood vessels, dispersing/descending of Qi and body fluids, skin/hair, nasal mucus
- Manifests: body hair
- Houses Corporeal Soul
- Affected by grief and sadness
- Opens into nose
- Kidneys (salty taste, Zang) – Gate of Life
- Stores essence
- Govern birth, growth, development, reproduction
- Rules water
- Control: reception of Qi, lower orifices, bones
- Produce marrow
- Open into ears
- Manifest in hair
- House Willpower
- Affected by fear
- Stomach (Fu)
- Controls: receiving, rotting/ripening of food, transportation of food essences, decscending of Qi
- Influences tongue coating
- Large intestine (Fu)
- Controls: passing and moving down
- Forms stool
- Gallbladder (Fu)
- Stores and excretes bile
- Controls: sinews
- In charge of making decisions
- Bladder (Fu)
- Removes water by Qi transformation (via Kidney Yang), over time responds to anger
- Small intestine (Fu)
- Controls receiving and transforming
- Separates fluids
- Triple Burner (Fu)
- Composed of Upper/Middle/Lower
- Unifies all organs into integrated system
- Mobilizes Original Qi
- Controls: transportation and penetration of Qi, water passages, excretion of fluids
- Pericardium (Zang)
- Protects heart, houses the mind
- Uterus (Extraordinary Organ)
- Regulates menstruation, houses foetus during pregnancy
Causes of diseases
Internal: “seven emotions”
- Joy - heart
- Anger - liver, heart
- sadness - lungs, heart
- worry - lungs, heart
- pensiveness - spleen, heart
- fear - kidneys, heart
- shock - heart
Long-term or intense emotions affect Organ’s Qi, typically making it stagnate. Organs can also influence emotions (e.g. damaged lungs can create sadness).
- six evils
- wind
- cold evil
- dampness
- heat/fire evil
- summer-heat
- dryness
- others: diet, overwork (mental or physical), excessive sexual activity
The outer reflects the inner.