Universities for masters
What do I want to look for?
Cybersecurity specialisation
Possible unis:
<https://www.epfl.ch/education/master/|EPFL homepage>
CHF 730 in 2020 (~670 eur) https://www.epfl.ch/education/studies/en/rules-and-procedures/study-taxes/tuition-fee-other-fees/|Info
<https://www.epfl.ch/education/master/study-programs-structure/programs-overview/|Master programs> <https://www.epfl.ch/education/master/study-programs-structure/minors-and-specializations/|Minors, specialisations>
Offers Cyber Security in English + Space Technologies minor. Joint program Lausanne + ETH (two diplomas) Also computer science.
16 December - 15 April
- Your resumé (curriculum vitae)
- Copy of your University degree(s), if already available.
- Transcripts from each university you have attended.
- A statement of purpose. See hereunder for a more detailed explanation.
- The statement of purpose should not exceed 1000 words. You are required to describe your academic background and your career strategy. Please be precise about the objectives you wish to reach through your studies at EPFL.
- The contact details of three academic referees, who will each be asked to produce one recommendation letter for you (except for holders of any EPFL Bachelor’s degree applying in another field and for candidates from another Swiss ETH/EPF, university or FHS/HES applying for a Master’s program in the same field of study as their Bachelor’s). See below for a more detailed explanation.
- Your identity card or passport.
If you are coming from EU-countries, you are allowed to work from the 1st day after your arrival. Detailed information on <https://sae.epfl.ch/working|working and work permits here>.
The timetable consists per week of around:
- 32 hours of lectures, exercise classes and practical work
- 15-20 hours for personal study (without counting exam preparation)
With a weekly schedule of 50-60 hours, it is difficult to reconcile studying and working.
No VISA required. https://www.sem.admin.ch/dam/data/sem/rechtsgrundlagen/weisungen/visa/bfm/bfm-anh01-liste1-e.pdf|Info Need a valid residence permit: http://sae.epfl.ch/residence-permit|info. You will be required to register with the local immigration authority of your place of residence (so-called “Commune”) within 8 days of arrival in Switzerland.
Excellence Fellowship
<https://www.epfl.ch/education/studies/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Excellence_Fellowships_Guidelines.pdf|Excellence Fellowship guidelines>
CHF 8000 per semester, reservation in accommodation No more than 4 semesters
Apply by April 15, via same as master’s
ETHZ Homepage
CHF 649
Cyber Security: with EPF Lausanne, can only apply to one university for this!
Computer Science MSc 3 or 4 semesters
1 March - 31 March <https://www.lehrbetrieb.ethz.ch/eApply/ealogin.view|Apply online>
Required documents:
- A signed printout of your application form
- A chronological Curriculum Vitae (CV). This must contain a full and continuous history (no biographical gaps) of your education and work experiences. Start with high school up to the point your application is submitted. Your academic history in particular should be as exact as possible and contain all academic degrees, with in progress or most recently earned degrees listed first. Written in the language of instruction of the respective Master’s degree programme
- A copy of your matriculation certificate (e.g. High School Diploma, Diploma of Secondary Education, Abitur, GCE, IB Diploma) that conforms to the specified standards
- From each university attended: an official transcript(s) that conform(s) to the specified standards, including exchange programmes and programmes you did not complete; double degree programmes: transcripts from both universities
- For programmes still in progress: an enrolment confirmation by your home university stating the duration of study, the name of the degree programme and the title of the expected degree (title in the original language)
- For completed programmes: a certified copy of your academic degree(s) (e.g. Bachelor Diploma) that conform(s) to the specified standards
- If available at your university: A certified copy of your diploma supplement(s)/HEAR report that conform(s) to the specified standards (usually issued in Bologna countries and after degree completion)
- Language certificate
- A copy of your passport (only the page containing the photo, names and date of birth) or your national identity card (copy of front and reverse sides)
- 2 letters of recommendation
- Motivation letter - one page
No VISA required. https://www.sem.admin.ch/dam/data/sem/rechtsgrundlagen/weisungen/visa/bfm/bfm-anh01-liste1-e.pdf|Info Need a valid residence permit: http://sae.epfl.ch/residence-permit|info. You will be required to register with the local immigration authority of your place of residence (so-called “Commune”) within 8 days of arrival in Switzerland.
No fees.
Computer Science + Security & Privacy specialisation https://www.kth.se/en/studies/master/computer-science
Documents by February 3 <https://www.kth.se/form/summary-tcscm-2020|Summary sheet> http://www.kth.se/en/studies/master/computer-science/entry-requirements-1.419975|Documents
Politecnico Milano
Depends on family income level. First installment 895.20, after up to 3898.20
Computer Science & Engineering
<https://ccs-informatica.deib.polimi.it/res/OpenDayLM_2019.pdf|Slides for info> <https://ccs-informatica.deib.polimi.it/master.html|Masters program page> 2 years
10th January - 5th March <https://www.polimi.it/en/international-prospective-students/laurea-magistrale-programmes-equivalent-to-master-of-science/application-procedures/deadlines/eea-student-or-non-eea-student-resident-in-italy/|Application deadlines>
- Academic transcript
- University qualification
- Study programmes/descriptions
- CV
- Letter of recommendation
- Letter of motivation
- Proof that BSc taught in english
TU Munich
Automatically considered. Tuition fee up to 10,000 eur
<https://www.tum.de/en/|TUM Homepage>
129.40 eur https://www.tum.de/en/studies/degree-programs/detail/informatik-master-of-science-msc/
Informatics MSc 4 semesters
- Sicherheit und Datenschutz
- Application for Admission (upload - signed)
- Degree Certificate and Diploma or Subject and Grade Transcript of Studies to Date
- Transcript of Records
- Proof of English Language Proficiency
- Letter of Motivation
- Essay
- Curricular Analysis
- Module Catalog
- Complete and Current Résumé
- Passport
1 April
By 1 May
Application Documents
ETHZ: March 31st
- A signed printout of your application form
- A chronological Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- A copy of your matriculation certificate (IB Diploma) that conforms to the specified standards
- From each university attended: an official transcript(s) that conform(s) to the specified standards, including exchange programmes and programmes you did not complete; double degree programmes: transcripts from both universities
- For programmes still in progress: an enrolment confirmation by your home university stating the duration of study, the name of the degree programme and the title of the expected degree (title in the original language)
- For completed programmes: a certified copy of your academic degree(s) (e.g. Bachelor Diploma) that conform(s) to the specified standards
- If available at your university: A certified copy of your diploma supplement(s)/HEAR report that conform(s) to the specified standards (usually issued in Bologna countries and after degree completion)
- Language certificate
- A copy of your passport (only the page containing the photo, names and date of birth) or your national identity card (copy of front and reverse sides)
- English test
- GRE General Test
- 2 recommendation letters (will be asked for contact details)
EPFL: April 15
- CV
- Official transcript: NEU, VU
- A statement of purpose. Should not exceed 1000 words. You are required to describe your academic background and your career strategy. Please be precise about the objectives you wish to reach through your studies at EPFL.
- The contact details of three academic referees, who will each be asked to produce one recommendation letter for you.
- Your identity card or passport.
- TOEFL/GRE welcome but not compulsory.
Everything submitted online, electronically.
TU Munich: May 31
- Application for Admission (upload - signed): generated online
- Subject and Grade Transcript of Studies to Date
- Transcript of Records
- Proof of English Language Proficiency (toefl/ielts)
- motivation letter: a personal statement explaining why you have chosen this master’s program and TUM specifically (max. 2 pages, see our https://www.in.tum.de/en/for-prospective-students/apply-for-admission/faqs/|FAQs for tips on writing your personal statement)
- Essay: approximately 1,000 words in length. Should introduce the topic, discuss it, and lead to a logical conclusion. Please use relevant data and scientific literature to support your argumentation. Topics:
- The role of Artificial Intelligence in future technology
- The influence of social networks on human society
- The characteristics of Big Data platforms and their importance for data exploration
- Can computers think?
- Module Catalog: contains the individual module descriptions of a particular university unit, e.g. of a degree program, school or department, study division, or of the university as a whole.
- Complete and Current Résumé
- Passport
Politecnico Milano: March 5
- on line application receipt
- Academic transcript: original or certified transcript. Grading scale and GPA verified by your university must be included in the document or attached to it.
- University qualification: If you have not finished the university yet, but you will graduate by July (for the 1st semester intake) or by December (for the 2nd semester intake), you can provide us with a certified document in English issues by your University (or a letter from the Head of your Department) stating that you will be graduating by July (for the 1st semester) or December (for the 2nd semester).
- Detailed study programmes/course descriptions: brief but detailed descriptions clearly explaining the contents and the basic topics covered in each course taken. If possible, it should contain the number of hours of the courses or training activities that you have completed according to your academic curriculum. If the course descriptions are not available, you can write it yourself and make it signed by the Head of the Department of your study programme.
- Curriculum vitae (résumé)
- letter of recommendation: A letter written by a current or former professor, it must contain the institutional contacts of the professor
- letter of motivation: explain what you hope to achieve, as well as what qualifies you as a top candidate for the admission, why you selected that specific programme, why you have chosen Politecnico di Milano among other universities.
- language proficiency: ielts academic/toefl
- gre: not mandatory but strongly recommended
- identity document /residence permit (only for eea candidates and non-eea residents in italy applying during the 3rd and 4th application calls)
KTH (Sweden): Feb 3
- Document stating that you are a currently enrolled student and participating in your last year of studies with your application. The document must be issued through and signed by a representative of the Academic Registrar’s Office, the Examinations Office or equivalent.
- Transcripts of completed courses and grades for each semester included in your degree.
- English proficiency: The language of instruction must be clearly stated on official documents. You can also document this by submitting a certificate/letter from your university in addition to the official documentation of your studies. Or test.
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of Motivation: Include a short autobiographical statement covering the development of your academic and professional pursuits, extra-curricular activities, the relevance of your academic, professional, and other related experience to your proposed study at KTH. A well-written letter of motivation will explain why you want to further your studies in your chosen programme, and how your interests and skills will contribute to your success in the programme, and to your future career. Your letter of motivation should not exceed 500 words (no more than one page), and must be written in English.
- Letters of recommendation: Two letters of recommendation may be required to be submitted with your application. If possible, one letter should be from an academic referee who knows you well, and the other from a person who has known you in a professional environment. Please ask your referees to be specific and detailed in their explanation of why you would be a good choice for admission to the programme. The letters should include full contact details for the referee.
- <https://www.kth.se/form/summary-tcscm-2020|Summary sheet>
TU Eindhoven: May 1
Studielink Student number: 1254235 grade lists, diplomas and course description of courses that you followed
VU Amsterdam
Requirements summary
Recommendation letters:
- ETHZ: 2, will be contacted
- EPFL: 3, will be contacted
- Milano: 1, must send
- KTH: 2, submit online
- ETHZ: VU enrolment confirmation (duration of study, name of degree programme, title of expected degree), IB Diploma (non-certified copy), NEU transcript (original)
- EPFL: electronic from each uni
- TUM: subject and grade transcript, online
- Milano: certified document that I will graduate by July
- KTH: online