Alex Balgavy

Just some stuff about me.

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Hoffman Aeropress technique


Grind size

Water temperature


  1. Pull piston/plunger out of Aeropress.
  2. Add filter paper to paper holder, no rinse necessary.
  3. Lock in place the filter holder.
  4. Place on top of brewing vessel.
  5. Calculate amount of coffee needed for your desired amount of liquid and roast level based on the ratios. This will likely be between 11 and 13 grams.
  6. Add ground coffee to Aeropress.
  7. Start timer.
  8. Add desired amount of water, likely 200 grams. Get coffee wet as quick as possible.
  9. Replace piston/plunger. Insert it a small amount (~4 to 6mm) to create a vacuum.
  10. Wait 2 minutes. [Check timer.]
  11. Move Aeropress and vessel off scale. (You don’t want to press on the scale and accidentally break it when pressing on the piston/plunger).
  12. Gently swirl the Aeropress and brewing vessel. Hold the piston/plunger and base of the Aeropress with one hand, and hold the brewing vessel in the other hand when doing this. Swirl for 1 to 2 seconds.
  13. Wait 30 seconds.
  14. Start pressing on the piston/plunger. Press very gently. It should not take much weight to press. It should take about 30 seconds for 200 grams of water.
  15. Pull the piston/plunger back a little bit to stop drips.
  16. Discard coffee and rinse Aeropress.
  17. Drink cup of coffee.