Just some stuff about me.
git init # new empty repository
git remote add “$url” # add remote to repository
git config core.sparseCheckout true # enable sparse checkout
echo “!thing” >> .git/info/sparse-checkout # exclude anything matching “dir”
echo “/thing” >> .git/info/sparse-checkout # include anything matching “dir” at root
echo “dir/“ >> .git/info/sparse-checkout # include any directory matching “dir”
git pull # pull from repository
vim .git/info/sparse-checkout # modify sparse checkout config
git stash save # optionally save cwd
git checkout HEAD # check out the latest commit, applying sparse checkout changes
File format, from Git documentation:
While $GIT_DIR/info/sparse-checkout is usually used to specify what files are in, you can also specify what files are not in, using negate patterns. For example, to remove the file unwanted:
/* !unwanted
Another tricky thing is fully repopulating the working directory when you no longer want sparse checkout. You cannot just disable “sparse checkout” because skip-worktree bits are still in the index and your working directory is still sparsely populated. You should re-populate the working directory with the $GIT_DIR/info/sparse-checkout file content as follows:
Then you can disable sparse checkout. Sparse checkout support in git read-tree and similar commands is disabled by default. You need to turn core.sparseCheckout on in order to have sparse checkout support.
Change URL: change in .gitmodules
, then git submodule sync
Sparse checkout for submodules:
git submodule add $url (<name>) # add submodule
git -C <name> config core.sparseCheckout true # setup sparse checkout for submodule
git submodule absorbgitdirs # absorb submodule .git dir
vim .git/modules/<name>/info/sparse-checkout # modify the sparse checkout file for submodule
git submodule update --force --checkout # update, removing excluded dirs
cd <name> && git checkout master # move back to submodule branch
cd .. && git add . && git commit && git push # push commit with added submodule
git rebase --onto newbase from_commit to_commit
git checkout branch
git rebase --onto newbase from_commit # will rebase up to latest commit on ‘branch'
git bisect start
git checkout <working commit> # check out a good commit
git bisect good # mark as good
git checkout <broken commit> # check out a bad commit
git bisect bad # mark as bad
# repeat...
git bisect next # this
git bisect good|bad # and this until the causing commit is identified
git blame <file> # find out whodunnit
If you previously committed a file/folder, then decided to added it to .gitignore
, you have to run:
git rm -r --cached .
Do this in the root. But make sure you saved/committed any changes to code. Then push force with lease.
There’s a way to do it through git, using git-filter-branch, but it’s a bit tedious. Just get bfg.
Install git-lfs. Then, clone the repo in bare form:
git clone --mirror git@provider.com:username/repo.git
At this point it’s encouraged to make a backup of the .git folder.
Delete any local pull request test branches (on GitHub etc., pull requests are stored as hidden branches):
git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/pull/ | xargs -n 1 git update-ref -d
Rewrite history of all branches to move e.g. mp4 files to LFS:
git lfs migrate import --everything --include='*.mp4'
For all of the files that were moved to LFS, remove the original version from history:
bfg --delete-files filename repo.git
Then garbage collect and stuff:
cd repo.git
git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive
Finally, push everything to the remote(s):
git push --mirror --force-with-lease
And ask everyone on your team to re-clone the repo since you rewrote basically every single commit hash.
What if you’re in a situation where a commit somewhere in the past of the current branch removed a number of files, and then you found out you didn’t actually want to remove them? It’s doable, but you’ll be rewriting history, so watch out. First, find out which commit removed those files:
git rev-list -n 1 HEAD -- <file_path>
This gives you a commit hash. Then, do an interactive rebase from that commit:
git rebase -i <commit_hash>~
Set the commit you want to change to ‘edit’ in the todo window. Rebase will now stop after the commit that you want to change. Reset back before that commit, keeping changes in the working directory:
git reset HEAD~
Add whatever changes you want to commit, then commit as many times as necessary. If you don’t want to restore files, this technique is also good to break apart a larger commit.
Then, continue the rebase with:
git rebase --continue
Finally, you’ll have to push --force-with-lease