Alex Balgavy

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Everything you never wanted to know about ANSI escape codes

Written by Burke Libbey - original link

My team writes a lot of command line tools, and we like to assume that people aren’t using a literal VT100 (meaning: we liberally use colours, italics, and basically every other terminal feature available to us). This tends to result in strings in our code that look a little like this:

"\x1b[A\r\x1b[K\x1b[1;32mopened \x1b[1;4;34m%s\x1b[0;1;32m in your browser.\x1b[0m\n"

If you’re like most people, your face just melted, but it’s actually really simple. This page is a crash course in what all of these things mean, and how to learn to read and write them effectively.


ANSI escapes always start with \x1b, or \e, or \033. These are all the same thing: they’re just various ways of inserting the byte 27 into a string. If you look at an ASCII table, 0x1b is literally called ESC, and this is basically why.

Control sequences

The majority of these escape codes start with \x1b[. This pair of bytes is referred to as CSI, or “Control Sequence Introducer”. By and large, a control sequence looks like:

0x1B + "[" + <zero or more numbers, separated by ";"> + <a letter>

It’s helpful to think of it this way: the terminating letter is a function name, and the intervening numbers as function arguments, delimited by semicolons rather than the typical commas.

If you see \x1b[0;1;34m, you can read it like this:

\x1b[  # call a function
0;1;34 # function arguments (0, 1, 34)
m      # function name

In effect, this is m(0, 1, 34). Similarly, \x1b[A is just A().

Available functions

So with that mental model—reading escape sequences as function invocations—here’s an abridged documentation of the “standard library”, as it were:

ACursor Up(n=1)Move cursor up by n
BCursor Down(n=1)Move cursor down by n
CCursor Forward(n=1)Move cursor forward by n
DCursor Back(n=1)Move cursor back by n
ECursor Next Line(n=1)Move cursor to the beginning of the line n lines down
FCursor Previous Line(n=1)Move cursor to the beginning of the line n lines up
GCursor Horizontal Absolute(n=1)Move cursor to the the column n within the current row
HCursor Position(n=1, m=1)Move cursor to row n, column m, counting from the top left corner
JErase in Display(n=0)Clear part of the screen. 0, 1, 2, and 3 have various specific functions
KErase in Line(n=0)Clear part of the line. 0, 1, and 2 have various specific functions
SScroll Up(n=1)Scroll window up by n lines
TScroll Down(n=1)Scroll window down by n lines
sSave Cursor Position()Save current cursor position for use with u
uRestore Cursor Position()Set cursor back to position last saved by s
f(same as G)
mSGR(*)Set graphics mode. More below

For practice, you might try interpreting the following string:



The SGR (“Select Graphics Rendition”) function (m) has a much more complex signature than the other functions. An—again, abridged—guide to SGR arguments:

valuename / description                                                                        
0Reset: turn off all attributes
1Bold (or bright, it’s up to the terminal and the user config to some extent)
30–37Set text colour from the basic colour palette of 0–7
38;5;nSet text colour to index n in a 256-colour palette (e.g. \x1b[38;5;34m)
38;2;r;g;bSet text colour to an RGB value (e.g. \x1b[38;2;255;255;0m)
40–47Set background colour
48;5;nSet background colour to index n in a 256-colour palette
48;2;r;g;bSet background colour to an RGB value
90–97Set text colour from the bright colour palette of 0–7
100–107Set background colour from the bright colour palette of 0–7

Multiple SGR arguments can always be concatenated using another ;, and they will be applied in the order they are encountered. It’s especially common to see 0; before some other argument, in order to reset the state before applying our own.

Colour Palettes

The basic colour palette has 8 entries:

A useful way to help remember this, or at least to select colours for use, is that, with the exception of 0/black, the colours are ordered by usefulness, with highest first: red text is very useful for indicating failures, green is useful for indicating extreme success, yellow for warnings, and then blue, magenta, and cyan for progressively more obscure conditions or decoration.

0 and 7 are less useful for text because one or the other will generally look nearly-unreadable depending on whether the user has a light or a dark background.

Terminals will also have a “bright” version of this palette (activated using 90–97 / 100–107). These are the same (black/red/green/etc.) but generally noticeably brighter than their regular counterparts.

For practice, you might try to figure out how this string would display:



Another pair of useful escapes is \x1b[?25h and \x1b[?25l. These show and hide the cursor, respectively. Try not to think too hard about the syntax here: ?25 means something to do with the cursor and h and l stand for “high” and “low”: imagine a bit indicating whether the cursor should be visible. The “high” value (1) would indicate “show”; the “low” value (0) would indicate “hide”.

Show/hide is useful when you’re going to draw some stuff that’ll cause the cursor to jump around like crazy, for example, repainting a couple of the last few lines to update them with new content.

One other thing that we use frequently is \r, or Carriage Return, which is functionally similar or identical to \x1b[1G. It just moves the cursor to the start of the line.


That was a lot of information, but that’s essentially everything you need to know in order to competently read and write ANSI escape codes in a terminal.

If you want to learn this more thoroughly, I’ve put together a set of flash cards to help.