Alex Balgavy

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ffmpeg how to convert ogg to mp3

Written by John Riselvato - original link

ogg is an open container format by the foundation with no restrictions template = ‘thirdp.html’

[extra] source_link = ‘’ source_author = ‘John Riselvato’ source_author_home = ‘’ of software patents. ogg does have a higher quality of audio at smaller file sizes but not commonly supported on physical devices natively (MP3 players, iPhone, etc). 

Fortunately, ogg to mp3 is a standard and easy conversion. With audio to audio conversions setting -acodec maybe redundant as seen below:

title = 'ffmpeg how to convert ogg to mp3'

$ ffmpeg -i input.ogg output.mp3

Note: if an mp3 codec is required add -acodec libmp3lame